By: Charlie Butts

While she acknowledges that some women are going out of state for abortions, Amy O’Donnell of Texas Alliance for Life points out that real help is freely available to those who are choosing life for their babies.

O’Donnell, Amy (Texas Alliance for Life)O’Donnell
“We need to educate women about the vast resources we have available to them in Texas so that they know that there is help, that there is support, and that they don’t have to walk through an unplanned pregnancy on their own,” O’Donnell tells AFN.

As the state legislature goes into session early next month, she asserts that pro-lifers will “work to keep the gains that we’ve made and prevent our law from being weakened or abolished.”

“We’ll also continue to promote the expansion of the vast resources that Texas offers to women facing planned or unplanned pregnancies,” O’Donnell adds.

A bill has been introduced for a constitutional amendment to undo all of the state’s pro-life laws, and O’Donnell recalls a headline declaring that Texans would not even have a chance to vote on it.

By: Jala Washington, Jaclyn Ramkissoon

Groups like the Texas Alliance for Life want more awareness about the resources pregnant women have outside of abortions.

“We wish those organizations who are suing would realize the new reality and really help women with unplanned pregnancies to find compassionate alternatives to abortion,” Texas Alliance for Life Executive Director Joe Pojman said. Pojman shared a list of pro-life pregnancy support resources.

According to Pojman, the Texas Legislature gave $100 million to the program to help with abortion alternatives.

“Texas has been well prepared for this moment,” Pojman said.

By: By Katie Yoder

Texas Alliance for Life Communications Director Amy O’Donnell also expressed gratitude for Abbott and stressed that the Netherlands should learn from Texas’ example.

“It is unfortunate that Queen Máxima and Minister Schreinemacher are under the misconception that Gov. Abbott needs schooling on the abortion issue and the ability of women to advance in society,” O’Donnell told CNA. “We have complete confidence that governor and First Lady Abbott can educate the Dutch royals on how Texas successfully protects unborn babies from abortion while providing vast resources for women with unplanned pregnancies.”

Among other things, the Texas Pregnancy Care Network, funded entirely with general revenues from the state of Texas, offers help to mothers and babies by supporting pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and more, CNA previously reported.

O’Donnell added: “Texas proves that women have the ability to achieve economic and social equality without abortion.”

By: News Release & Posted By Staff

PoliTech will host a panel forum to discuss the topic of Abortion in Texas. This is an important issue in which constructive discourse is crucial at this time. The group of 6 panelists includes representatives from special-interest groups and state legislators from across the political spectrum.
Senator Charles Perry (R), Texas District 28
Kathleen Brown (D), US District 13 Congressional Candidate -Delma Limones, AVOW Texas
Mark Lee Dickson, Right to Life
Amy O’Donnell, Texas Alliance for Life
Dr Allison Gilbert, OB/GYN, Southwestern Women’s Center
Time & Venue:

Thursday, September 8th @ 7:00 PM
Mckenzie-Merket Alumni Center
2521 17th St Lubbock TX 79409
Event will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel & Facebook

By: Barbara Campos

La Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos oficializó el martes el fallo del caso Dobbs versus Organización para la Salud de la Mujer de Jackson, Mississippi, una demanda que buscaba prohibir el aborto tras las 15 semanas de gestación.

La formalización del dictamen dio luz verde a la implementación de la ley de activación automática de Texas el 25 de agosto. Cerca de la mitad de los estados del país promulgaron medidas similares.

“Este es un momento que apenas me atreví a soñar que sucedería en mi vida, pero aquí está”, dijo Joe Pojman, activista de la Alianza de Texas por la Vida.

En un mes, Texas castigará la practica con penas de hasta vida en prisión y multas de hasta $100,000. La ley SB-8 o del latido, también permite demandar a quien asista en la interrupción de un embarazo por hasta $10,000. La única excepción será si la vida de la madre está en peligro.

“La legislatura también asignó más de $100 millones para el altamente exitoso programa de alternativas al aborto a fin de brindar todos los servicios que una mujer necesita con un embarazo no planificado para llevar con éxito a ese bebé a término, dar a luz, conservar ese bebé o ponerlo en adopción”, dijo Pojman.

Por otra parte, la presidenta de Whole Woman’s Health, Amy Hagstrom Miller, envió un comunicado a la redacción de Telemundo Austin para declarar que la decisión del máximo tribunal era algo que esperaban, describiéndola como “el comienzo del fin de la atención legal del aborto en Texas”. La entidad operaba varias clínicas de salud reproductiva en Texas y se comprometió a seguir ayudando a las mujeres a obtener el servicio donde siga siendo legal.

“Cualquier mujer que busque un aborto en otro estado, esas situaciones rompen nuestros corazones porque eso significa que no está familiarizada con los vastos recursos disponibles en Texas y aquí mismo en Austin”, dijo Pojman.

By: BeLynn Hollers

Rhonda Kay Moreland
Board member of Texas Alliance for Life and chairman of the board of directors of BirthChoice Dallas Pregnancy Center

Q1: I think the very first thing that I want every woman to know is that I come from a place of love and non-judgment. And that I’m here to have a conversation and I’m trying to empower women, to understand what I’ve learned about what I understand is the truth of life. And I think that there’s no judgement to anybody who’s had an abortion. We all have a story, we all have a past, but our past doesn’t define us. And so I’m in the movement as much for the women as I am for the babies.

Q2: If I could do something with somebody who thinks opposite than me on the abortion issue, it would be connecting women towards resources for help. I think that is probably a great starting point, is just connecting women with assistance in all aspects of their life.