By: Meredith Aldis

“Lives are at stake in this conversation,” Texas Alliance for Life Amy O’Donnell said.

“It’s tragic that people are crusading around in this bus advocating about taking unborn babies’ lives and in so doing, misrepresenting our law, misrepresenting the poor medical care that some of them received and trying to blame it on our laws,” O’Donnell said.

By: Janel Forte

While – pro-life groups – like Texas Alliance For Life see Harris as a threat to everything they’ve worked for.

“If Vice President Harris does firmly land on the Democratic ticket, she will continue that track record and at the end of the day, a crusade for abortion on demand up to birth at taxpayer expense, and even pushing for that at a federal level,” said Texas Alliance for Life communication director Amy O’Donnell.

By: Virginia King

Dr. Joe Pojman, Executive Director of Texas Alliance for Life, told Campus Reform: “We are saddened that the WRA appears to provide no resources or referrals for students with unplanned pregnancies who desire or might desire to continue their pregnancies to birth and keep the baby or place the baby for adoption. Surely pregnancy, parenting, and adoption are choices that should be made available.”


Texas Alliance for Life, another anti-abortion group, wants continued support for the state’s Thriving Texas Families Program to help connect women with an unplanned pregnancy with resources, said Jo Pojman, the group’s executive director. He doesn’t expect major changes to Texas’ current laws restricting abortion access. As for extending criminal penalties to abortion patients: “We think that’s a terrible idea,” he said.

By: Julia James

Amy O’Donnell, directora de comunicación de Texas Alliance for Life, dijo que el resultado del estudio no es ninguna sorpresa porque la tasa de natalidad en Texas ha aumentado después de la aprobación de la ley y que por lo tanto las muertes de bebés aumentan también.

Lea también: Demócratas de Texas apoyan derecho al aborto y se oponen a vales escolares, en convención

“Perder a un hijo es difícil, pero abortar a ese niño no elimina la pérdida; le quita al bebé no nacido y a la familia tiempo juntos, por corto que sea”, dijo en una declaración. “La vida de los bebés a los que se les diagnostica discapacidades fatales o limitantes vale y merecen ser tratados con dignidad”.